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California Waterscapes posted this video recently, and it really gives you an idea on how happy pond owners really are with their water features. Who can resist the sound of water running down natural rocks, the beauty of lily's growing in the pond, and feeding koi fish as they swim around? Watch the video and if you feel inspired and decide that you want to become the proud owner of a water garden, call California Waterscapes for a design estimate of your own.
California Waterscapes
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LED (light-emitting diode) lights have a ton of benefits that come with them, and should be your first choice when considering adding lighting to the landscaping. LED lights come in a wide assortment of color choices, and last much longer than incandescent lights. They may be more expensive than other types of outdoor lighting, but with a life expectancy of up to 30 years and being 80% more efficient, the savings will help the lights pay for themselves.
Kichler Lighting carries what I consider to be the best LED light available, and with lots of different styles there is bound to be a light that fits your backyard. Kichler has everything from path, deck and spotlights to under water lights and even specialty light fixtures that can double as planters and chandeliers. If you are looking to add lighting to your design, consider calling Pacific Outdoor Living to come up with a landscape plan for your backyard.
Pacific Outdoor Living
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The Phatport - Solar Power As A Lifestyle
Posted by: The Backyard Getaway / Category:Usually when a homeowner decides to save on their energy cost and go with using solar panels, the panels installed to collect solar rays and convert them into energy and then not really thought about after that. But what Phat Energy has done is use the panels to line the tops of patio covers and car ports which gives off a nice stained glass look.
Phat Energy uses the most efficient panel on the residential market today-- the Sanyo 200 Bi-facial. When light from the sun hits the panel, it start producing energy like most solar panels do, but it also lets some light through, and then recycles it from the bottom side of the panel, adding another 15 to 20% of energy.
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Installation of the shade sails is difficult, and not recommended for the average do-it-yourself builder. Instead we recommend to consult with a professional designer and installer to really get the best look for your backyard. There are so many possibilities on what can be done with these sails, and beats trying to huddle underneath a small umbrella for some shade.
If you plan on redesigning your backyard and creating your own oasis with the shade of a sail hanging over you, don't forget to contact Pacific Outdoor Living to start a whole landscape design plan for your home.
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- First thing to keep in mind is that the best time to start your planting is in the fall. The reason for this is that the roots of the plants need to have time to establish themselves, and by the time that summer rolls around the plants will be able to withstand the heat.
- When you begin to plant the garden, make sure that you group the drought tolerant plants together and away from the other plants that require more watering. This is because simply because the drought-tolerant do not need the water and if some annuals are surrounding it, they can easily die from the lack of water while the other strive.
- Use more mulch around your garden. Grass and turf are water hungry and while they are great as ground cover, they will run up your water bill. Mulch serves so many more purposes than just as a ground cover, it can also prevent weeds, keep moisture in the ground and as time passes nutrients will go into the ground as it decomposes.
- Get to know your timer and irrigation system. Make sure the clock is set correctly and that there are no leaks or water runoff that could be going to your neighbors house or wasted away.
- When the rain comes in, alway remember to turn off the irrigation system. After a week or even up to a month (depending on how much rain fell) check down into the soil about 2-3 inches and if you still feel moisture, its ok to leave the sprinklers off.
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Not everyone is able to take advantage of a large lot or even a backyard, but it is still possible to have your own getaway spot of your own. I headed over to Downtown Los Angeles to do a little scouting on what kind of getaways we can find on the rooftops of the city.
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"I've had several clients use Home Depot contractors before with mixed results. The problem is that some of the contractors are great, some are average, and some are bad."
" I do not recommend using Home Depot for kitchen remodeling. The "designers" are glorified sales clerks who are ill informed... They lead you to believe that you are dealing with Home Depot but you really are dealing with other contractors and they act as a go between... They tell you one thing and the contractor tells you another. They will not tell you how much anything costs and they mysteriously come up with a figure..."
There are different ways of doing this, and are two very good sources on reading past reviews from customers on contractors. Also the Better Business Bureau is another way to see what is the current grade that a contractor may have. Get referrals that you can actually speak to, and when signing a contract (and please make sure you do have an actual contract) make sure that it states that no subcontractors will be used.
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Weed Control Fabric
Posted by: The Backyard Getaway / Category: DIY, do it yourself, gardening, landscapingThe easy to install fabric is a great way to block weeds from growing, but still allows for moisture and nutrients to get to your plants unlike plastic sheeting. Also the General Purpose Landscape Fabric comes backed up by a 5 year warranty, which is great news to hear for any product.
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Belair Wall is one of the two wall systems that Belgard offers from it's collection. It is a great retaining and freestanding product that uses its beautiful aesthetic look as its main attraction. The multi-piece design and mixture of colors makes it the perfect choice when looking for a cinder block alternative.
Celtik Wall uses a more natural look by giving the edges a rough texture and using natural hues. If you are going for more of an old world European look in your backyard, then this is the perfect stone to you to build your walls and steps. Both wall systems are also great at complimenting any paving stones that you may have installed or considering to add on.
Pacific Pavingstone
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Replace Your Own Outdoor Light Fixtures
Posted by: The Backyard Getaway / Category: DIY, do it yourself, how to, tipsHere is another video that shows you the steps to take when changing an outdoor light fixture. While this may see to be a difficult task, it can be a quick job if done correctly. Of course like any other project, if this seems too overwhelming or maybe you have a more complicated project, then we do suggest that you contact a professional to handle the job.
Contact Service Magic if you have any further needs to find a qualified contractor to handle this job for you or any job that requires a trained professional.
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In some regions, a big problem that tends to arise is having local deer wander into your garden of a meal and wiping out an entire garden. We are going to go over some plants that are not only drought-resistant but also deer-resistant that will be able to help out with this type of situation.
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There are a lot of do-it-yourself readers out there, and if you have an upcoming project that requires you to measure your yard to figure out how many square feet of a material you might need like paving stones or flagstone, then you really need to watch the following video.
Take note of all the tips you just saw before starting any type of hardscape project. Like the video mentioned, falling short of material can put the entire project at a full stop, and will take especially long if you are using a custom color or stone. If the job seems like it might be a little too overwhelming, don't forget that you can still call the paving stone professionals at Pacific Pavingstone to help with the installation and get it done.
Pacific Pavingstone
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We spent some time talking to some familiar vendors that we met with out there including Pacific Outdoor Living and Phat Energy. The pond and fireplace display that Pacific Outdoor Living had available was great, and their outdoor furniture pieces were drawing in crowds like crazy. Phat Energy had their interesting "Phat Port" on display which
uses solar panels for shade on top of a pergola, and still uses that energy for everyday use. Plenty of nursery's were on hand and brought out some of their seasons finest plants and flower to sell. Whatever it was that your gardening heart desired, it was available at the L.A. Garden Show.
We have plenty of pictures of the entire show including some spaces that were re-designed and re-landscaped especially for the shows. To see the entire collection of pictures click the link below and enjoy.
Photos of L.A. Garden Show 2010
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