In some regions, a big problem that tends to arise is having local deer wander into your garden of a meal and wiping out an entire garden. We are going to go over some plants that are not only drought-resistant but also deer-resistant that will be able to help out with this type of situation.

Another plant that will not attract deer is known as Stonecrop Plants (Sedum) like the one pictured here. Stonecrop's also consist of succulent leaves, but unlike the Hens and Chicks the Stonecrop plants produce a flower that come in different colors and worth growing in its own right.
Lambs Ear (Stachys Byzantina) is a good plant to consider if you are looking to grow plants that will turn deer away. Lambs Ear will add a certain amount of softness to the landscape and will produce a light purple flower on tall spikes.
Check out your local nursery for availability of these plants and get some other suggestions on what else can be planted to handle the wildlife issue. Armstrong Garden Center's are a good source for information if your in the Los Angeles or Southern California area, and if you need a landscape designer to include these types of plants in your design consider calling Pacific Outdoor Living to get a design done.
May 28, 2010 at 5:33 PM
Hi, I'm a landscape architect in St. Louis and I agree with your suggestions. I have those plants and they are not bothered by the deer, except the stonecrop is a favorite of the rabbits in my yard. I just put together a list of the plants the deer do not eat in my yard in case it helps someone else. Happy Gardening...